
Refund Questions

  • My refund was offset and now my account is overpaid. How do I get my refund?

    • The refund process is an automatic process. If offsets and/or payments result in the overpayment of your account, the state of Ohio will automatically process a refund to you. Refunds are typically processed by paper check. Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive your refund.

      • To ensure that there are no further delays in receiving your refund, please be sure that we have your most up-to-date address on file by CLICKING HERE

  • What can I do to speed up the refund process?

    • Unfortunately, you aren’t able to speed up the process. The state processes refunds in the order that they receive the refund request. To ensure that there aren’t delays, you can ensure that we have your most up-to-date mailing address by CLICKING HERE.