If you received a tax refund offset letter from either the Ohio Department of Taxation and/or the US Department of Treasury (also known as the IRS), please be advised that it will take 21 days before the Ohio Attorney General's Office is in receipt of your offset funds. Once your offset funds have been applied, any refund due to you will take an additional 4 weeks to be mailed. Please note, you will know of an offset at least twenty one days before our office will be able to see any information regarding your offset.
If the offset(s) result in an overpayment, the process will take up to 7 weeks before any overpayment is mailed to you. We are unable to expedite this process for any reason.
If your WAGES are currently being garnished or you had a LOTTERY OFFSET please use the form below to report your offset amount. THIS IS THE FASTEST WAY TO COMMUNICATE THIS INFORMATION TO OUR OFFICE, PLEASE DO NOT CALL OUR OFFICE WITH THIS INFORMATION AS WE WILL DIRECT YOU TO THIS WEBSITE. Your Case Manager will respond to you within 24-48 business hours with further options that may be available to you.